Wistful Dreams Studio

Time Warp

Home | Finished Work | Stablemates | Stablemates 2005 - 2 | Time Warp 1

Melissa Addison is such a good person that I agreed to take on a few "Non-Commissions" for her. What I mean by that is she supplied me with some body horses and some inspirational ideas, with no deadlines to meet. Because Melissa inspires me to do things I would not normally try, I have taken this on for her! Her two foals spawned a whole slew of ideas, which you will see on my Website in the next few days. This is "Time Warp", who started life as Breyer's Stablemate Scampering Foal. He has had very minimal work done: such as ears, jaws, heel bulbs, raised hooves carved; both front legs bent more (and pinned for reinforcement) and resculpted; boy parts added; ears restuffed with hairy Apoxie; and a handmade removable base sculpted as well. The base has a nail sticking out of it that his hollowed out rear hoof and leg fits over, and he stands with minimal fuss. The nail can be coved with a packing peanut to protect other models while being moved about, and the foal lifts off easily, so you don't have to worry about packing him up for showing and him breaking at the leg! You also get to see all of the foal's hooves this way as well. He was handpainted to a Baby Blood Bay in acrylics, with 4-colored eyes, pastel-detailed hooves, sand colored base, and my name and initials on his base. He was sold to Melissa Addison 9/05.

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