Wistful Dreams Studio


Home | Finished Work | Stablemates | Stablemates 2005 - 1 | Dando 1


This is "Dando", Breyer's Stablemate Standing Thoroughbred Foal, or at least he used to be! See picture 5 for what he looked like before I used my dremel and Apoxie Sculpt! He has had a TON of work done!! Head removed, neck removed, new neck made of Apoxie Sculpt with wire reinforcement, head lowered, new pricked ears, new mane and forelock, new muzzle, nostrils and jaw carved. Old tail removed, wire inserted, and new tail sculpted. Then left front leg removed and resculpted with pieces and Apoxie with pin reinforcements, left front leg cut and moved forward, with added sculpting and carving, both back legs cut off, and used left rear leg from a trotting foal (traded legs - see my American Saddlebred Foal), and totally sculpted a new leg on the right rear. Tons of sanding, carving, more Apoxie work, added colt parts, more sanding and Apoxie work. He became a little rear heavy, so had to sculpt the lite stand he now rests his rear hooves on. He was designed with a Walmart bag in mind. He was finally handpainted a baby black or bay in acrylics, with hoof detail in pastels. He has 5-colored eyes, with large, spooked eye whites, and is initialed on his belly. My son named him, and sort of claimed him, so he is not for sale at this time.

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