My friend Lisa W in Australia had a horse shipped to her from the USA and arrive with two broken front legs. She fought both the US and the Australian Post Offices to get the insurance money, but to no avail. So, I volunteered to attempt to repair him. This is a Timeteo Resin, sculpted and painted by Sommer Prosser to a GORGEOUS golden bay. He has done quite a bit of sightseeing in his short life from USA to Australia and back again to the USA...heehee! I forgot to take photos of him when he arrived, so this first photo is of him after I had already ground down his broken stub ends with the dremel. The plan is to remove some of the leg on either end of the broken pieces and drill a hole for the support nails to be glued in, as well as drill a little "cup" around each hole to hold Apoxie Sculpt that will create a seal between the breaks and further support the nails. Then resculpt the legs and sand, sand, sand until the Apoxie blends with the original leg pieces. Then paint and finish spray. He should look brand new when I am done.
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